Shan You.

Motivational Interviewing – 3 Professional Training Programs (12 November, 14 November, 19 November, 20 November, 21 November)

November 12 2024

Shan You.

We offer Professional Training on Motivational Interviewing (MI) for helping professionals and volunteers. In Nov 2024, three Motivational Interviewing Professional Training Programs have been lined up for your Professional Development. 



Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative and goal-oriented approach for facilitating change through exploring and resolving ambivalence. MI was Initially developed in the late 1980’s by William Miller, PhD and Stephen Rollnick, PhD as an evidenced-based approach for working with addictive behaviours. Since then, there have been over a thousand clinical trails and MI has been disseminated across a wide range of health care, education, corrections and mental health settings around the world. Motivational Interviewing is a skill that, when done properly, can help engage people into their own process of change based on what is important and meaningful to them. MI has become one for the foundational skills for helping with behaviour change across a broad range of settings.

Mode of Delivery: Interactive Live Online Workshop

Includes didactic discussions, observation, skills building exercises and practice with feedback. Wide range of learning methods to create an enjoyable and safe atmosphere for learning and sharing ideas. Includes demonstration, video observation, content lectures, discussion and focused practice. 


Date: 12 & 14 Nov 2024

Fees: SGD 550 *#^

*Discounted Fee of 10% ($990) for Motivational Interviewing (Foundation Skills) AND Motivational Interviewing (Building Skills) per participant

^ Group Discounted Fee for Above of 12% ($968) for each of 2-4 participants who register 

 # Discounted Fee of 10% ($810) for Motivational Interviewing (Foundation Skills) OR Motivational Interviewing (Building Skills) AND Motivational Interviewing (MI) & Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) per participant

^ Group Discounted Fee for Above of 12% ($792) for each of 2-4 participants who register 


This interactive live online workshop is ideal for those new to MI or want a refresher in this area. The workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the ideas behind MI and the foundational skills to get on the path proficiently.

Participants will gain an Overview of MI, MI Foundation and Principles of MI, the Language of Change as well as the Core Counselling Skills of the approach, Change Language, Four Processes in Change Conversations. This workshop will be of interest to people in diverse settings and circumstances where conversations about change are an everyday reality. Participants will understand what MI Is and Is Not.They will recognize their strengths and confidence as a beginning MI practitioner, identify areas for continued development, include areas where they want to learn more and have a plan for deliberately practicing MI skills.


Who to Attend: Psychologists, social workers, counsellors, marriage and family therapists, substance abuse professionals, health care providers, allied health professionals, nurses, criminal justice workers, school counsellors, educators, and peer counsellors, postgraduate applied counselling trainees, postgraduate applied psychology trainees. 



After initial training in Motivational Interviewing (MI), practitioners are often left to wonder “How do I advance these skills in everyday practice?” and “Am I doing MI?”. Motivational Interviewing is a skill that improves with practice and objective feedback. To help facilitate moving towards advancing greater proficiency in MI, this innovative, Two-Day Online Interactive Session is designed to build your understanding, skills and confidence. This interactive training will combine discussion, experiential activities, skills assessment and self-reflection to encourage practitioner growth at all levels of experience.

Dr Joel Porter is an internationally known MINT Certified MI Trainer and will take an exploratory approach to expand thinking and sharpen focus regarding MI Concepts, Skills and Applications. Joel will integrate a range of converging concepts to design and facilitate powerful learning experience. Come expecting to learn something new, try something different, and walk away feeling confident, energized and challenged.

MI (Building Skills) is for practitioners who have completed Motivational Interviewing (Foundation Skills) and who wish to advance their MI skills.

Date: 20 & 21 Nov 2024

Fees: SGD 550 *#^


*Discounted Fee of 10% ($990) for Motivational Interviewing (Foundation Skills) AND Motivational Interviewing (Building Skills) per participant

^ Group Discounted Fee for Above of 12% ($968) for each of 2-4 participants who register 

 # Discounted Fee of 10% ($810) for Motivational Interviewing (Foundation Skills) OR Motivational Interviewing (Building Skills) AND Motivational Interviewing (MI) & Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) per participant

^ Group Discounted Fee for Above of 12% ($792) for each of 2-4 participants who register 


After completing this course participants will recognise their strengths and confidence as a practitioner, identify areas for continued development, include areas where they want to learn more, and have a plan for deliberately practising MI skills. Participants would have completed an accurate assessment of their own MI skills and ability, Understand the reasons for considering self-efficacy in the intervention process, Describe one area of MI that is tricky for them as a practitioner and practice a method for addressing this area/issue, Describe one new technique related to a deeper understanding of the four processes of MI, Identify strengths as a practitioner and area for growth in MI, and Produce a plan of action for the deliberate practice of MI skills.

Who to Attend: Psychologists, social workers, counsellors, marriage and family therapists, substance abuse professionals, health care providers, allied health professionals, nurses, criminal justice workers, school counsellors, educators, peer counsellors, postgraduate applied counselling trainees, postgraduate applied psychology trainees. MI (Building Skills) is also recommended for policy makers, health care and mental health professionals involved in policy making.  


  1. Motivational Interviewing (MI) & Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) 

The combination of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) leverages the strengths of both approaches: MI enhances motivation and engagement, while CBT provides the structured, evidence-based techniques needed to achieve lasting behaviour change. By integrating these approaches, clinicians can create a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both the motivational and cognitive-behavioural aspects of their clients’ issues. 

Join us for a one-day intensive, hands-on workshop designed for mental health professionals seeking to enhance their therapeutic skills by integrating Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. 

Mode of Delivery: Interactive Live Online Workshop

Includes didactic discussions, observation, skills building exercises and practice with feedback. Wide range of learning methods to create an enjoyable and safe atmosphere for learning and sharing ideas. Includes demonstration, video observation, content lectures, discussion and focused practice. 


Date: 19 Nov 2024

Fees: SGD 350#^

# Discounted Fee of 10% ($810) for Motivational Interviewing (Foundation Skills) OR Motivational Interviewing (Building Skills) AND Motivational Interviewing (MI) & Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) per participant

^ Group Discounted Fee for Above of 12% ($792) for each of 2-4 participants who register 


This workshop offers practical strategies to effectively motivate clients and enable them to achieve more meaningful change through seamlessly integrating Cognitive Behavior Therapy principles and applications after taking this course.

Participants will Understand the core principles and techniques of MI and CBT. Learn how to seamlessly integrate MI and CBT to enhance client engagement and outcomes, Develop practical skills through interactive exercises, role-playing, and case studies, and Apply integrated MI and CBT strategies to address a range of clinical issues, including anxiety, depression, and substance use.

Who to Attend: For Mental Health Professionals with training and experience in both Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT).

Psychologists, social workers, counsellors, marriage and family therapists, substance abuse professionals, health care providers, allied health professionals, nurses, criminal justice workers, school counsellors, educators, peer counsellors, postgraduate applied counselling trainees, postgraduate applied psychology trainees. 



TRAINER: Dr Joel Porter, BA, MS, PsyD, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers Member, MINT Certified MI Trainer

Joel is a registered clinical psychologist living Christchurch, New Zealand. Joel provides clinical supervision and therapy services with an emphasis on addiction treatment. He has 20 years of experience in providing Introductory, Advanced and Group MI training. Over the course of his career, Joel has worked in a wide range of community and residential addiction and mental health settings. Joel has been a member of the MINT since 2003 and a previous member of the MINT Board of Directors (2011-2017). Joel has provided MI training in Australia and New Zealand, Southeast Asia, China, Europe and North America to wide range of professionals. One of Joel’s current interests is the sustainable systematic implementation of MI within organisations. Joel holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position at the Centre for Applied Psychology, University of Canberra. He is a Senior Clinical Lecturer, National Addiction Centre, University of Otago.


TO REGISTER: Provide the following information: 

  1. Full Name
  2.  Contact Number
  3.  Contact Email Address
  4.  Type of Professional (Counsellor / Psychologist / Social Worker etc) 
  5.  Name of Organization
  6.  Name of Program(s) you want to Register For 
  7.  Number of Seats to be reserved 


Email Above: 

For More Information, Tel: 67419293 or Email to Enquiry to or Whatsapp Tel:98312956
